This show went perfectly to plan… until it didn’t!
This being my first show since the pandemic, I really wanted to make a splash! And judging by the feedback, we nailed it! Complete with LED ‘Fluorescent Tubes’ for the factory scenes, and a beautiful 5° spotlight just for the closing speech of the show, we were so proud of what we achieved.
But then, Tom got covid! The groups policy and the building’s policy at the time was that you couldn’t enter the building if you had covid or symptoms, writing Tom off from the dress rehearsal onward. Luckily, the show was completely pre-programmed and Tom had updated all the necessary cues and pallets before the positive test. The show’s dress rehearsal and every performance was Tom-less apart from the little preview window of a zoom call which really demonstrates the practice of ‘Working from home’.
Anyway, the feedback was good although Tom was gutted not to see his show finished in person.
Equipment Used
- Prolight Slimpar 7Q5 RGBA
- Kudos 350ZS LED Moving Wash
- Prolight Fusion 120 Zoom Moving Wash
- ETC Coloursource Pars
- Ayrton Diablos & Mystrals
- ProLight PixelStorm 12 LED Batten
- ClayPaky Mini-Bees
- 2 Universe DMX Buffer Kit
- Various Generic Stage Lanterns
- Unique 2.1 Hazer
- Plus a whole load more!
Noda Review :